…  [1] See <https://www.pts.se/sv/nyheter/pressmeddelanden/2020/fyra-sokande-godkanda-att-delta-som-budgivare-i-35-ghz–och-23-ghz-auktionerna/>. [2] See < https://www.domstol.se/forvaltningsratten-i-stockholm/nyheter/2020/11/forvaltningsratten-inhiberar-villkor-om-huawei/>. [3] See < https://www.pts.se/sv/nyheter/radio/2020/pts-pausar-5g-auktion/>. [4] Case C-7/68, Commission v Italy [1968] ECR I-423. [5] Case 8/74, Dassonville [1974] ECR I-837; Case C-120/78,…

…sovereignty and security of India. The Government stated that it has received complaints from many sources regarding the misuse of these apps to steal and transmit user data without authorisation…

…https://www.financialexpress.com/opinion/atmanirbharta-and-wto-india-needs-to-look-at-larger-picture/1963301/ [5] WTO. Panels established to review Indian tech tariffs, Colombian duties on fries. https://www.wto.org/english/news_e/news20_e/dsb_29jun20_e.htm [6] COM (2019) 623 final 2019/0273 (COD). Regulation of the European Parliament and of the…

competitive conditions for imported products in relation to domestic products.[8] Draft Article 66a, instead of ensuring the equality of competitive conditions, treats imported telecommunications hardware or software less favorably than…